his is the first article on website hacking on my blog. In this tutorial i am going to explain about CROSS SITE SCRIPTING ATTACK.
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications that enables malicious attackers to inject client-side script into web pages viewed by other users. An exploited cross-site scripting vulnerability can be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy.
Types of XSS vulnerabilities:
2.Non persistent
In this post i am going to explain about the non persistent vulnerability.
Non persistent XSS vulnerability is the Most Common Type of XSS Flaw. It is a Server Side Vulnerability
When a Web Server takes any input from a User and returns the same back to the User without any Validation, This leads to a Non-Persistent XSS Vulnerability.
What can a hacker do with this??
XSS Attacks be used for the followin
•Compromising and Hijacking Accounts
•Stealing User
Defacing Websites
•Phishing Attacks
•Posting False or Hostile Content
Steps to hack:
Step 1: Find vulnerability.
Step 2: Deface.
Finding out the vulnerability:
1)Find a textbox in the site or something where you can submit text.
2)Type in the following:
3)If it is vulnerable it should look like thi
There are some ways to deface a site when you find a XSS vulnerability.
1) Makes A Picture Pop-Up:
2) Replace The Content Of The Page By An Image:
<img src="yoursite.com/yourdefacepic/>
3)Redirect To A Website
Since this is a non-persistent attack,the changes made by you will not affect the website. But the hackers use these vulnerabilities to steal the information of the visitors of those sites.
I will write some articles on those topics soon.